Saturday, February 13, 2010

Haiti's Fondwa University and MIT -- A connection?

Students from the Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) came together to a forum arranged by DUSP's Students of Color Committee (SCC) to watch "The Road to Fondwa." As part of this form there were a few of us Haitians and Haitian Americans as well as the director of the film. I was amazed at the turn out and the energy in the room.

To me the film seemed to capture the sights and sounds of the Haiti I remember. It was heartening. By way of background, Fondwa university is the only university in the country that teaches its students in the native Creole of the country. All other universities, the one that my father and uncle attended, teach in French. What Fondwa is trying to do is to educate people in their own language to learn about and take care of the land. Fondwa's focus is on sustainable farming and animal husbandry practices. Here is a link to the movie (I also have the dvd):

I was also invited to speak about my work fundraising, networking, and sending medical and food supplies to Haiit. Just last week we, Hearts and Hands to Haiti (, air lifted 2 tons of food and medical supplies to Haiti and managed to get these supplies directly to our contacts on the ground in three areas in Haiti.

Our DUSP students seemed energized last night and I thank Kristal Peters and the members of the SCC for putting the event together. The students embraced the idea of working with groups in Haiti on projects that could help with a sustainable rebuilding effort. I was impressed with their level of organization and their willingness to help.

MIT's response to the situation in Haiti, especially to those of us with family and friends in Haiti, has been underwhelming. Some of the students seemed upset that DUSP and MIT weren't yet playing a stronger role and called the lack of effort embarrassing. While I understand the student's frustration with what they see as a lack of action, there is plenty that needs to be done in the months and years a head, and I believe that DUSP could play a leading role here for the Institute.

I am working with Michel DeGraff, a Haitian Associate Professor of Linguistics at MIT, and Dale Joachim, a Visiting Scientist in the Media Lab (cc'd here). Dale is running a class on Haiti this semester and plans to travel to Haiti in April. I hope to travel with him, liking the MIT initiatives to other initiatives I'm involved with on the ground in Haiti.

So where do we start?

Among our many contacts, we have contacts and have been in contact with the University of Fondwa in Haiti. The University is reaching out to other universities in the US for help and assistance. They specialize in agronomy, management and vet medicine. I wonder if we might enter into discussions with our connections at Fondwa ways in which DUSP could connect with Fondwa. I realize that these areas of research are not aligned with our interests, except maybe management to some extent. Still, I believe that our research interests in sustainable energy (specifically wind, solar and biofuels) and sustainable environmental management and policy could mesh well. Also, I wonder if the MUSIC program and our GIS mapping technology could also lend a hand.

Together with Dale and Michel (the sweetest Haitian guys at MIT) we are drafting a proposal, we are meeting with the MIT administration next week, a few Haitian Massachusetts Representatives, and we are together participating in a panel discussion set up by MIT's Center for International Studies. We are continuing to discuss ideas about what needs to be done and how. Our networks are extensive and our approach is one of openness and transparency. We believe that by working together to connect resources and knowledge with people, local knowledge and places on the ground, we can educate all of our students (Haitian and American), communicate locally and internationally, and begin to help rebuild Haiti in a sustainable way and from the inside out. Together with Dale and Michel, I am hoping to lead DUSP in this effort.

Stay tuned...

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