Friday, January 15, 2010

Hearts and Hands to Haiti (

Dear Friends,

As many of you may have heard, after the earthquake struck Haiti at about 5pm on Tuesday, many were crying out for help all that night. Amazingly, there were also reports of singing. People were singing throughout that dark night, even as aftershocks continued to rock Port-au-Prince. To me those two sounds together, crying and singing, show the very great need for help, but also show the strength a people who have endured so much.

This Earthquake has been felt around the world and the Earthquake in Haiti has left those of us with Haitian roots numb with grief. We wait for news of friends and family. The rubble-covered streets in the news are the streets I grew up on, where I went to school – Union School, and where I shopped in the market - the Iron Market. As many of you know, my dad grew up in Gonaives, Haiti and Haiti is where my father and mother met and fell in love. My parents worked separtely and together providing aid to Haiti in the 60s, 70s and 80s. My father as an engineer designed and built roads, bridges and dams for Haiti. My mother as a nurse worked for Albert Schweitzer Hospitals before establishing her own clinic on Montaigne Noir.

My parents gave much to Haiti and now I believe it is my turn. But, what can I do? What can we do?

First, because its easy, donate money to one of the many organizations providing relief including the Red Cross, Partners in Health, Save the Children etc. It’s fast and easy to do (

Next, join me in supporting H&H4H ( H&H4H is a small organization, with a big network that also needs donations ( Here are the details…

Hearts & Hands in Haiti (H&H4H) is an emergency initiative that Joy and I created to be part of Shunem Ministries, a 501c3 non-profit that provides support and care to foreign missionaries. Shunem is managed by my best friend Joy Vermilya Alcock and her family – the Vermilyas, people I have known for 30 years when we all lived in Haiti.

Using Shunem's missionary networks we can get relief, medical care, and supplies to missionaries and relief workers who are already in Haiti and who have networks up and running. These missionaries have bases, planes to fly, and vehicles to transport supplies. They run orphanages, clinics, and schools throughout Haiti. These missionaries were committed to Haiti before the earthquake, and they will be there long after the TV cameras leave. They know the people, the culture, the language, and the situation on the ground, and are already leading the relief efforts at this time. (

All contributions are tax-deductible and checks should be made out to Shunem Ministries, with "Haiti” or H&H4H" designated on the memo line. 100% of donations will go to Haiti. Send to: Shunem Ministries, PO Box 1422, Noblesville, IN 46061. Please help get this word out. We need all hearts and hands now…


Cherie Miot Abbanat

L'Union Fait La Force

1 comment:

  1. Cherie,

    My wife, Aimee and I look forward to helping out in anyway we can. We are planning on going to Haiti this summer. I will keep in touch! This is a wonderful blog and if I can help you in anyway, please just ask.

    This is the site I am putting together to share information and plan the trip:

    Thank you for doing this!
    Jim Farmer
    Waycross, GA
    L'Union Fait La Force
